The kick-off meeting of the HelpMeWalk project took place on Tuesday, March 12th at the Hôtel de la Région Grand Est in Strasbourg. All project partners were present for this event. The first part of the day was dedicated to administrative and financial information about project management. Scientific aspects of the project were discussed during the second part of the meeting. BellwaldTEC and the FHNW first presented to the consortium the current status of the project and the technological challenges HelpMeWalk will have to meet. Each partner could thus figure out their respective tasks during the two years of the project. Finally, the third part of the day was the official Interreg Offensive Science kick-off ceremony in the presence of multiple notable persons like M. Franck Leroy, president of the Région Grand-Est, Mme Petra Olshoswki, minister of the Sciences, of the Research and the Art in Bade Wurtemberg or Prof. Dr. Hannes Kopf, president of the SGD-Sud of the Rheinland-Pfalz. During the ceremony, the coordinators of the 7 projects funded by this Interreg call were presented with a cheque for ERDF and regional funding for their respective projects.

Crédit photo : Interreg Rhin supérieur, Jean Luc Stadler (Région Grand Est), Ralf Schumacher